Rev. Dr. John F. McCormick
Senior Pastor
E.B. Scott Women's Missionary Society
Mission Statement:
We are called to strengthen our faith and sent to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ by service and witness in the world.
The local society of Grant Worship Center, WMS, prides its in being first responders for any emergency (fire, flood, etc), care givers, providers of food for families, events, funerals, school supplies, clothing, and mentoring to brother and sisters who are in between blessings. We are ambassadors of love, compassion, and kindness. As we provide support, we share the WORD to reinforce hope, prayer, and faith. We are willing to take the Jericho Road if we can make a difference. We welcome all who desire to take the journey with us as we continue.
Stewardess Board
The Stewadesses , (Mothers of the Church )prepare the elements for the two Holiest rituals of the church, Holy Communion and Holy Baptism.
Stewardesses care for the Altar and the space in the sanctuary which is enclosed within the chancel area.
They care for and change the paraments to the proper seasonal color, linens and all items associated with worship and special services as needed, assist with weddings, funerals or candlelight services as requested.
The Stewardess Board meets the Saturday before the 1st Sunday each month.